Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dualtone Performing At Mosaic 2011

Mosaic 2011 is shaping to be an interesting this year with a melting pot of international and local artistes being part of this annual event where both Lunarin and Aphex Twin stand shoulder to shoulder and administering their perception of the alternative. Also added to the mix this year are local band Dualtone and the duo of Iva Sadon and Effendi are tweaking the mood sensors at the Esplanade to deliver a soul enriching performance. Going from strength to strength and making appearances at Baybeats and Outbreed, being at Mosaic represents another feather in their cap. As a bonus, their show will have 2 sets on 18 March (8-8:40 and 9-9:30) so be there for both and be prepared to be blown away!