Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Proost!: Stillborn

(Click on the photo to visit their myspace page)
(Stillborn: Jia-Ting, Tharenii, Sathish, Vishnu and Lyon in the first incarnation)

Despite the popularity of mainstream music genres in Singapore and the emergence of hardcore music in recent times, it is heartening to note that metal has been able to weather the rising tide and maintain its relevance right here without the need to commercialise in order to get an audience. Its akin to a secret society of good music where only the best are accepted and if there is such a group in existence then Stillborn wouldn't need to fill up a single form. In fact, they can simply walk in any event and rise to the occasion with minimal fuss and a testament to their talent is evident with the 3 shows that are being lined up for them in June alone namely Mosh Party 5, Damaged and Now Suffer. Formed in 2007, the death metal quintet comprises of Sathish (vocals), Lyon (guitar), Tharenii (guitar), Jia-Ting (drums) and newest member Ashley (bass) replacing original member Vishnu in April this year. Bonded by their common love of extreme metal acts such as Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse and Meshuggah, Stillborn wears their influences on their sleeves while onstage and interestingly, they seek inspiration from regional acts such as Rudra creating a unique sound without compromising on quality. Like a bull in rage, lead singer Sathish barges thorough onstage with tremendous impact that belies his wiry frame while guitarists Lyon and Tharenii playing off each other's chords with a calm demeanour as Jia-Ting works out a sweat and abusing his drumkit without sparing a thought for sympathy but then again, this is a genre that spares no expense in the pursuit for quality. Despite the setback that they faced earlier this year and the impending conscription for Sathish in August, Stillborn refused to back down under pressure and the naysayers were given a kick in a face with Grindhouse 2010 proving to them that what seems to be their fatality only strengthens the band further and Ashley's debut on bass is an indicator of progression for Stillborn. Yet at the end of the day, these guys go off the stage together and take time to hang out with each other and knocking back with a couple of beers, a testament that music is not just a hobby, its the bond that brings friends together no matter what the circumstances are

(The new line up onstage for Grindhouse 2010)

(Bull on a rage: Sathish giving the microphone his blessings)

Like what you see? Support the band at their page on Facebook and receive updates on their upcoming gigs. Stillborn are slated to perform at Mosh Party 5 (05/06/10), Damaged (08/06/10) and Now Suffer (27/06/10)